dinsdag 7 januari 2020

Robot Trains: How Hitachi Rail Tech Enabled Global First in Freight Rail Automation - Hitachi

In July 2018, the first autonomous production run was successfully completed when a driverless train hauled 28,000 tonnes of iron ore across a distance of 280 kilometres from mine to port. To date, Rio Tinto has transported iron ore between a number of mines and ports in the Pilbara region of Western Australia across a collective 7.5 million kilometres using completely autonomous trains. The collaboration has been ground-breaking, with integral project staff deeming the system a ‘global blueprint’ on which to model similar undertakings in the future. https://ift.tt/35AgiVY https://ift.tt/2N4H5DC Hitachi Brand Channelhttp://ifttt.com/images/no_image_card.pngJanuary 07, 2020 at 10:34PM https://ift.tt/eA8V8J

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