woensdag 29 mei 2019

Security Awareness Quick Tip: 5 Security Tips for Working Remotely from Home

Many companies give employees flexible work options including working remotely from home. It is important to maintain a secure environment for your corporate-owned equipment and the tools and information used for your daily work. Being “at home” can give you a sense of safety and comfort that may allow you to ease up on the same basic security procedures you would normally follow in a corporate workspace. Here are five tips for making your home a secure workspace. Tip Number 1 - While away from your home office, store your computers and other devices out of sight, in a secure location, or at a minimum consider the use of a cable lock to secure your computer to your desk. Tip Number 2 - Lock your screen when you walk away for a break, especially if you have roommates, pets, or small children that might be able to access to your computer. Tip Number 3 - Don’t leave passwords or documents with sensitive information on your desk – ever! Tip Number 4 - Keep all your devices up-to-d http://bit.ly/2EIH6c7 Symantechttp://ifttt.com/images/no_image_card.pngMay 29, 2019 at 07:39PM https://ift.tt/eA8V8J

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