donderdag 11 april 2019

An Introduction to Cisco Networking Academy for Educators

Looking for an education program your institution can use to empower students and teachers, and is licensed for free? Cisco Networking Academy produces over 30 courses in up to 25 languages covering introductory to advanced networking, cybersecurity, IoT, digital literacy and entrepreneurship. Courses are competency-based and conveniently delivered over, our custom cloud-based education platform. Aligning to many global and regional education standards we deliver strong student outcomes. And by providing training and teaching resources we help educators be effective and efficient. As the world’s largest and longest-running corporate social responsibility education program, Cisco is helping educators to fill the digital skills talent gap. Through partnerships with over 11,000 education entities including universities, governments, prisons, and community centers we create opportunities for people everywhere to learn the skills that allow them to thrive in the digital economy. Learn more at Cisco 11, 2019 at 01:33PM

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