woensdag 13 februari 2019

How Economics Can Help Mitigate Global Warming

To help mitigate global warming, we need to transform the world economy within the next few years. To do this, we'll need to deploy the two most powerful engines of change in modern history, technology and capitalism. And when we think about investing, we want to make money, of course. But our personal values can also guide our investment choices. Try this quiz to find out what investment themes are important to you. #sponsored MASHABLE ACROSS THE WEB Mashable.com: http://bit.ly/2SazmYh Facebook: http://bit.ly/2T5bgLp Twitter: http://bit.ly/2Cx8gSN Instagram: http://bit.ly/2Tctzi3 Mashable is for superfans. We're not for the casually curious. Obsess with us. http://bit.ly/2GGDF7N Mashable February 13, 2019 at 01:37PM

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