dinsdag 4 september 2018

Security Awareness Quick Tip: How to Keep Your Kids Safe

Learn more by visiting the Security Awareness Site at: https://ift.tt/2tavs4d From websites to apps to games and online communities, your kids have access to a ton of content that can affect them both positively and negatively. As a parent, you want to help your growing child navigate the Internet safely, responsibly, and with levels of increasing independence. But that’s not always easy. It’s impossible to watch over their shoulders every second they’re online. What can you do to help your kids make the most of the good stuff on the Web without worrying so much about the bad? We'll cover some of the top tips for protecting your kids online. This Quick Tip is provided to help you understand the increasing number of methods and tricks that hackers and attackers are using to gain access to your personal information, corporate secrets, and valuables. A large number of adversaries want nothing more than to cause digital and physical damage, and they’re trying to use your personal information to do it! https://ift.tt/2PAR42d Symantec September 04, 2018 at 01:39PM

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