donderdag 2 augustus 2018

How to smile without looking like a creep

How much teeth should you show when you smile? How wide should your grin be, and what if it’s crooked? Using a variety of computer-animated faces, researchers from the University of Minnesota have done their best to isolate the traits of a winning smile. *** Video by Jason Lederman Narrated by Sophie Bushwick Reported by Sarah Fecht For more creepy-not-creepy smiles according to science, go to #howtosmile #smile #science #facereconstruction #surgery #weirdsmile #creepysmile #howtosmilewithoutlookinglikeacreep #crookedsmile #grin #whatisasmile #smiling #simlevideo #howtosmilevideo #diy #howto #popularscience #popsci #weird #differentsmiles #differentsmilesandwhattheymean Popular Science August 02, 2018 at 04:38PM

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